There are those who just can’t stand it and can’t wait for it to pass quickly, those who adore it, despite the cold, the fog, annexed and connected. For us, winter is a season that tastes a bit of magic, it will be for Christmas or perhaps because the cold at certain times seems to freeze everything, stopping time. And when does it snow? Certainly the movements are not agile, but the white coat is as if it made everything immaculate and muffled … in short, an enchanted world!

Winter, however, is also synonymous with less time spent outdoors for obvious reasons related to colder temperatures and boredom can become a harsh reality for children. Thinking about it, with a little imagination and organization, there are many activities to do together with the children, both at home and outside.

We propose 20, some of which have already been tested with our children who have approved them with flying colors. All that remains, therefore, is to jump in and have fun.

1. Playing With the Snow

If you live in the mountains or the snowfalls are abundant, you can have fun with the children making snowmen using a carrot for the nose, branches for the arms, pieces of wood for the eyes and as accessories gloves, hat and scarf that they are no longer used.
It will also be fun to play angel (you know?). Just lie down on your back on the snow (be careful to cover the children well using waterproof clothing), open and close your arms and legs at the same time … and here is our imprint with Angel’s wings.
The traditional snowball fight can’t be missing either!

2. Drawings on the Window

On the market there are stencils to be adhered to the window panes to personalize them during the winter season. Under Christmas it will be truly magical!

3. The Storyteller

In your little room you can create a real soft corner to dedicate to the moment of stories. Try to pass on the love of reading to children with little spare time, which are also very useful for spending precious moments with them. In case you forget about reading someday, you will see that they will remind you of it… and in December the Christmas stories cannot be missing.

4. Tv Time

If properly dosed, the space dedicated to TV can be instructive. During the weekend, arrange a time to snuggle up on the sofa with the whole family to see your favorite cartoons and films for children. Obviously in the company of the inevitable popcorn!

5. Scent of Biscuits

When you think about winter, you can’t help but associate it with freshly baked apple cakes served with a dollop of delicious whipped cream, with cinnamon and ginger biscuits typical of Northern Europe, with herbal teas flavored with the scent of Christmas … And by the way of Christmas, for the magical night that our little ones have long awaited, we can make cookies with them to put under the tree. After Santa leaves the gifts in our house, he will take away the cookies to share with his reindeer friends.

6. Little Artists Grow Up

When we go with the children to the park, we can collect pine twigs, rather than dry leaves, pine cones. We will thus be able to recycle these gifts of nature for small homemade gifts for friends and relatives. We parents can take excellent ideas from the increasingly popular tutorials that are rampant on the net. Creativity, therefore, will certainly not be lacking.

7. A Sweet Snack

For children, one of the most beautiful moments is a snack and if it is important to give them healthy products, on the other hand, sometimes you can break the rules and give them real goodies. Welcome them back from school or kindergarten with a snack based on hot chocolate and a slice of cake prepared by you. You will see that the magic and laughter will not be lacking!

8. On a Trip

Often when you live in a place, you know little about it, because it is taken for granted and the intention of visiting those new corners that await us is always postponed to the next day. We catch the ball on sunny Sunday afternoons and organize themed trips with the family to let the children know the places they live and spend time outside the home together.

9. Board Games

A constructive moment is that dedicated to board games, because – not only does it create an interaction between us parents and our children – but it allows children to make targeted reasoning, to develop a sense of cooperation or strategies.

10. A Mini Camping in the Living Room

Who says camping can only be done outdoors? With throws, old sheets and pillows it is also perfect at home, just find the right space. After setting up with your imagination: you can imagine taking an excursion, meeting the Indians, telling scary stories in front of a “bonfire” …

12. The Christmas Tree

Prepare an alternative and different Christmas tree. Try to take advantage of leftover materials, such as bottles

13. He Recites It at Home

At Christmas, kindergarten and elementary school children get ready to prepare for the Christmas play. Why not make one at home? Let the children choose the Christmas story they prefer and help them learn the main parts. Put them on and dress them up and we can guarantee that the fun is guaranteed. It is also a good way to give your baby confidence and let him know that he is appreciated.

14. Snowflakes

Make “do it yourself” snowflakes to hang around the house. You can use wooden popsicle sticks rather than cotton swabs. For assembly, use scotch tape or hot glue (do not let children touch it), while for the color use white and silver tempera.

15. Tidying Up the Bedroom

It may seem strange, but among the recommended activities in winter there is also tidying up the bedroom to make a selection of games to give to a charity. While it’s not one of the funnest tasks in the world for a child, on balance it is very constructive to instill a sense of duty. And who says it must be a boring time? It can be made enjoyable by music and lots of chatter.

16. The Songs

Children always like to sing. Especially on the occasion of Christmas, teach them themed songs. Are you out of tune? It doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is to feel good about your children and see them happy.

17. Walk Can

During a walk, have fun with the children to collect the natural elements you find: leaves, flowers, chestnuts, twigs… Once at home you can keep them in a jar or create a natural picture by inserting everything found.

18. The Frozen Soap Bubbles

Have you ever seen frozen soap bubbles? They create a magical atmosphere because the cold makes them real crystals. Let’s try to make them? Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar, 200 ml of hot water, 35 ml of corn syrup and 35 ml of dish soap. Let the mixture cool in the freezer and go outside to make your bubbles spectacular.

19. The Hunt for the Frozen Treasure

All children love treasure hunting. to offer it in a winter version, we could prepare colored ice cubes with food dyes to hide in the garden or on the balcony. Imagine how surprised they will be?

20. The Fake Snow

Not all children are lucky enough to see snow in winter. We make fake snow at home to use for chores or sensory games. You can make it by mixing shaving cream and baking soda and putting the mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour. If you want drier snow, use shaving cream, corn starch and flour instead.

21. Finger Knitting

Have you heard of finger knitting? It is the technique of hand knitting to weave wool and play dexterity games. There are many video tutorials to follow to make balls of skeins or create bracelets. ready to weave?

22. Preserves and Jams

We take advantage of the winter to stay longer in the kitchen and let the children help us prepare preserves and jams with seasonal fruit and vegetables. It will be a way to learn and who knows if they will appreciate new flavors.

23. Make the Calendar Do It Yourself

A fun and original activity to do with the family? The calendar of the coming year. Plan the 12 months by choosing representations or photos and then glue the images on colored cards and create the boxes with the days. Finally, have fun decorating to your liking!

24. Browse Family Albums

It’s always nice to look back at old photo albums, for both adults and children. Browsing through them will remind you of funny and exciting moments. children will be delighted to hear you tell the stories through pictures. A beautiful moment to share!

25. A Short Film

Now children are better than adults at using technology. How happy would they be to make a short film? You can invent and interpret a story together or shoot scenes from everyday life. The short film will remain a wonderful memory!

What do you think? Since we have a long winter ahead, we will take the opportunity to try our hand at many activities. And you? Don’t waste your time!

Jordan Belfort is a webmaster and a content writer. For over a decade, he has been contributing top notch articles to several top lifestyle blogs. He likes to write " How to" articles and loves helping people with his informative posts.

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