Although burial methods like cremation continue to rise in popularity, many people still opt for a traditional burial. It preserves your body in a beautiful enclosure, you can have visitors at your gravesite, and you can wear your favorite clothes. What’s not to love?

Have you ever wondered about the difference between casket vs coffin? Here are some of the key features of two of the most popular mediums for burial so you can make an informed decision for yourself or your loved one.

Casket vs Coffin Price

If you need something on the cheaper side, then a coffin is the way to go. They don’t need to use as much material as coffins, which can knock down their price substantially.

Coffins also tend to come in more streamlined designs and are usually made with simple hinges so they can easily open and close.

In general, you will pay more if you get a casket. This is because they are often made of higher quality material and feature different types of embellishments that can add to the price.

However, caskets present a more uniform look, and they are much more customizable. Many casket businesses have dozens, or even hundreds, of options to choose from at any price point.

Casket Design

The biggest difference between these burial options is the shape of each. Some people think coffins and caskets are interchangeable, but the shape is the telltale distinguishing feature.

Caskets are rectangular shaped, meaning they have an even width, length, and height on all sides. This shape also allows for interior decorations. One of the most common features of caskets is that they have room for pillows or other accessories to make it look like the resident is sleeping peacefully.

Caskets are also more commonly designed with viewings in mind. A casket may be a good option if you plan to have a viewing for your loved one or an open-casket funeral.

The casket shape also allows handles to feature in the design. If your funeral has pallbearers to carry the loved one to the burial site, attached handles make the job much easier.

Coffin Design

The coffin shape is well-known throughout history: it has four to six sides, with more room for the chest and torso, with a tapered design going down.

Coffins can also have fancier interiors, similar to those of caskets. However, with the limited room, they usually can’t accommodate excess comfort or decorations for the occupant.

If you don’t want frills for your or your loved one’s burial, a coffin could be the best choice. You can still choose a simple and beautiful design.

Choosing a Casket vs Coffin

If you’re making burial arrangements for a loved one, you should not have to worry about choosing between casket vs coffin. With this guide, you can determine the best option for your budget and the wishes of the departed.

Want to learn more about how to make the perfect funeral arrangements? Take a look around our site for more ideas, advice, and inspiration.

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