Breweries are a lot of work to run, even by themselves. So many activities are going on at once and a drainage system screwing-up is not one, you would appreciate happening at any point in the day.

Half of the brewery business is water, and the remaining percentage has to do with infrastructure. Part of infrastructure is shelter and before a shelter is, a strong foundation needs to exist.

And due to the processes involved in constructing a foundation, the surrounding soil conditions are often compromised. They become more porous, allowing water to percolate them easily and get into the foundation.

Therefore, in a brewery where waste water needs to be constantly dislodged. It is understandable that the foundation drainage system is considered and checked from time to time.

Irrespective of your issues, the following tips will ensure maximum drainage efficiency.

Foundation Drainage Tips for Your Brewery

Know What Foundation Drainage Does

It is not what you do, but there is no harm in knowing. Understanding what it is, the types, the materials, and the process involved help you make the right decisions for your business.

Foundation drainage is a drainage system installed anywhere close to the foundation of a facility to stop the foundation from getting compromised by water.

These foundation drainages can be constructed simultaneously when a structure’s foundation is erected. Or they can be created newly and added to an existing building without any consequences.

There are different foundation drainage types, grading drainage, french drainage, footing drainage, sump pit, and pumps.

Find Out the Code Requirements

The International Residential Code (IRC) describes what kind of drainage is acceptable for your building, what materials to use, and how to use them.

The IRC even provides measurements and, most importantly, a table of what kind of soil is exempted from drainage and why. A quick read would get you well-informed on what steps to take.

Know the Topography of Your Brewery

It is easy to jump into the fray and get to it without any preparation and understanding. But doing so would only lead to a repetition of wasted efforts, resources, and energy.

It is important to note the shape and size of the landscape before constructing anything. There are different types of foundation drainage, and each can be tailored to utilize the available features of any land.

Hire Professionals

While you might have considered doing it yourself, leaving this to the professionals is advisable. The work at hand concerns a sensitive part of a structure.

So, you need to employ people who know what to do without beating around the bush. Even better is to consider reaching out to the structural engineers who built the brewery itself.

Suppose they would not do this job (which is highly doubtful). You benefit from their instructions and advice on going about the whole process.

Ensure Proper Placement of Drain Pipes

Another thing you can do, is to make sure the pipes are perforated and laid with their holes facing downwards. This allows water to pass through the hole into the pipes for exiting.

The drain pipes need to be positioned very near the base of the foundation. This is the most efficient spot so that the water collected can drain downhill quickly.

Avoid Trees and Their Roots

The tree roots will be an issue when building a foundation drainage system. They are capable of growing into drainage pipes. If left alone and not addressed, this is both a short and long-term problem.

After installing the drainage, tree roots have been observed to clog pipes and even break them. It is structural engineering 101 not to construct a building foundation close to a tree.

This is one of the reasons why hiring professionals is still essential. They know to install foundation drainage in areas with trees correctly.

Digging Trenches and Implementing Slopes

Dig the trench drain below the surface to be effective. While digging, considers the surface and depth to prevent water from pooling. The depth is dependent on the kind of foundation the brewery is on.

In making a drain, it is important to construct it, so it slopes away from the brewery. And using this strategy, gravity does most of the work for you.

Invest in Sump Pumps

These are necessary because they can monitor water pressure and level. And whenever the level has exceeded the expected point, the machine pumps the water out through the discharge pipe.

Sump pumps are powered by electricity, using direct electric current, battery, or water. There are some common types, and they are submersible, pedestal, water-powered backup, and battery-powered backup.

The horsepower should be noted in getting a sump pump since you need it for an operational facility. The material of the core should be cast iron because they last longer than others. And finally, inspect the machine regularly.

Prevent Surface Damage

Since most brewery uses heavy machinery, and their capacity to damage the soil structure is documented. It is important to find ways to prevent the destruction of drains’ access point.

The weight of most machines is capable of causing damage to drainage materials like pipes and grates, especially if they have not been well hidden below surface level.

To prevent this, the construction of foundation drainage should have depth. An additional precaution is to mark the areas where drainage equipment is close to the surface as restricted zones.

Provide Regular Maintenance

Maintainance will increase the longevity of the drain. It will prevent sudden delaying in operations. It is necessary to constantly check and note the state of the materials in use.

Another reason for regular maintenance is to remove clogs. The perforated pipes used for foundation drainage often get clogged, especially those used in business facilities.

It has to be regular; as stated, you save yourself and the brewery the trouble of suddenly stopping production. Because a busted pipe, a rusting filter, or a clogged pipe only needs to be left alone for a few days before it becomes troublesome.

Finding These Tips Helpful?

Operating a brewery is challenging, and it is completely undeserved to compound it with avoidable issues like clogged pipes, saturated soil, flooding, and waterlogged foundation.

Effectively applying the tips mentioned above would ensure all problems associated with foundation drainage are no longer your concern. And your brewery keeps brewing.

Jordan Belfort is a webmaster and a content writer. For over a decade, he has been contributing top notch articles to several top lifestyle blogs. He likes to write " How to" articles and loves helping people with his informative posts.

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