Propane offers many benefits, including cleaner fuel and more control over business heating expenses. Many commercial businesses are learning the cost-effective strategies of moving to propane tank ownership versus leasing. If you’re unsure which option is more financially suitable for your business, this guide is for you. We’ll cover a few reasons why investing in your own propane tank for your business can be an excellent decision.

Why Propane?

Propane offers both residential and commercial property owners many benefits. Propane is an alternative, cleaner fuel source with lower emissions than other options. Pricing fluctuations are also less likely with propane than with other options. Commercial businesses can enjoy a few additional benefits when using propane, such as better efficiency for equipment and generators.

Some businesses use heavy machinery at large volumes, and propane can be a cleaner, more cost-efficient option for forklifts, printing presses, or generators. Propane can even improve the overall performance of your equipment since it contains a low-carbon with low-oil contamination mix. Essentially, this means that it’s free of contaminants, which helps keep your machinery in good working condition. Of course, switching to a more eco-friendly fuel option can also improve your brand’s reputation. Numerous studies show that customers expect brands today to take steps to be more eco-friendly.

Reason # 1 – Greater Control Over Pricing

When you own your propane tank, you get more control over pricing. Renting a propane tank often comes with fixed pricing based on the company’s set prices. Even if the cost of materials and energy reduces, you usually don’t get to enjoy the lower rates. With your own propane tank, you can shop around and find the best rates that fit your business budget.

Some companies require leased customers to pay a minimum consumption rate. This means you pay a fee, even if you don’t use the minimum expected consumption. Additionally, when renting, you’re subject to pricing increases if the company raises its rates. The ability to control costs is a big one when it comes to commercial businesses. Many businesses, regardless of their industry, are always looking for ways to cut costs and increase revenue, and purchasing your own propane tank is an excellent way to do this.

Reason # 2 – No Annual Fees

Many propane tank rental companies charge an annual fee, further increasing the often expensive cost. You can skip these annual fees when you own your own propane tank on your commercial property. With no annual fees, you can spend your money on other important business tasks, whether that’s investing in a digital marketing strategy or training employees.

Reason # 3 – No More Getting Locked Into Contracts

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of renting versus owning a propane tank is that you’ll no longer be locked into a contract. Getting locked into a contract as a business owner can be frustrating and wasteful. Even if the customer service is less than stellar or the leasing fees are simply too expensive, you usually won’t find it easy to get out of the contract early. In fact, many propane leasing companies will charge expensive lease breakage fees. Instead, shopping around for propane tanks for sale and choosing the right one for you can save you a lot of money and frustration.

Reason # 4 – You Get Control Over Tank Quality

You also get more control over the quality of your tank when you buy it. You want a propane tank that is durable and high-strength. When you lease, you don’t always get a say in the type or quality of the tank. Purchasing your own propane tank even allows you to get creative. Some commercial businesses may add their company logo to the exterior if they choose an above-ground tank. You also get more control over where your propane tank is located. Some commercial property owners may put their tanks underground to avoid wasting valuable space.

Reason # 5 – Opportunity To Choose a Tank Size

You also get to choose the propane tank size that works best for your business needs. Some commercial businesses with just a few employees may find a smaller 120-gallon tank suitable. Medium-sized commercial businesses may find more value in a 500-gallon tank. Larger companies with a lot of employees or business space may need a 1,000-gallon commercial-grade tank.

Reason # 6 – Fewer Repair Needs

When you buy a brand-new propane tank, you can also expect fewer repair needs. Frequent repairs over time can get expensive, especially if the previous tenant didn’t keep up with routine maintenance. Having a propane tank that’s in good condition can save you a significant amount of money.

Propane is safe, affordable, and an excellent option for businesses of all sizes. Instead of renting your propane tank, consider purchasing your own. Investing in your own propane tank allows you to source efficient fuel by also reducing your carbon footprint. You’ll also benefit from lower monthly costs and fewer repair needs, helping you stick to your business budget.

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