There is already enough for you to worry about when you start a new business. You have to get your main finances settled, find a team of employees, and hit your target demographic with your marketing materials. The last thing you want to be stumped by is some unfamiliar business terminology that you do not understand. Unfortunately, most existing businesses use these acronyms and other terminologies to get their point across and to save time during their standard operating hours. You don’t want to get caught out by these confusing abbreviations.

It would help a great deal if you knew what these acronyms stood for before you start your new business. Using these terminologies could save you some time and help you appear more professional to your consumers at the same time. As such, here are some popular business acronyms and what they stand for.


The term B2B is one of the most used business acronyms in modern times. It basically stands for business to business and is used to refer to any professional interactions between two established companies. This can include sales information, supply chains, advertising, distribution, and even customer engagement. While your business will face some serious competition from other companies in the same market, a rising tide raises all ships. That is why B2B communication is so important. Fortunately, the advancement of digital technology has made B2B communication much easier.


SME is used to describe any company that operates as a small or medium-sized enterprise. It is likely that your business will start out at this level no matter your aspirations. Therefore, you should expect to see this acronym a lot.

This term will also appear a lot during some B2B interactions. It is important to know what type of business you are dealing with. For example, an SME looking for IT support in London would be better served looking on Totality Services website. Some companies like this will only cater to SMEs, so it is important to check your business status when looking for vital services like these.


Another important business acronym that you must get to know is COB. This translates to the close of business but it isn’t as bleak as it seems. When you operate a business on an international level, you will need to be aware of different time zones. COB is a shorthand way of informing other people that your company is closed for the day and so you will have to wait for further correspondence. The COB acronym can also be used to set a deadline. This means that you could be asked to complete a project by COB. This usually means that you must finish by 5 pm according to that company’s time zone.


B2C is an acronym used to represent business to consumer. As you can imagine, this acronym is used in many different circumstances. However, its main use can be found during your marketing strategy.

B2C marketing is used to find new ways to reach your target audience with your advertising campaign. The last decade has also seen a rise in the number of online companies that work in a B2C capacity. Online services like Facebook and Netflix are less concerned about hitting the correct audience with their marketing. Instead, these online B2C companies need to keep updating or refreshing their services to meet the current demand of the consumer.


If you are starting a business from scratch yourself, then chances are that you are your company’s CEO. This means that you are the Chief Executive Officer. In other words, you are the one individual who is responsible for your company’s entire business operation. Therefore, you must manage all employees, communicate with your board of trustees, and work out new ways of generating profit. The duties of a CEO will differ depending on the size of your business.


A COO is often confused with the CEO. This is because these acronyms are quite similar. COO stands for Chief Operations Officer. This individual is responsible for tailoring plans and strategies to generate more profit or increase employee performance. The role of the COO is based more daily even if their plans are more long-term. The COO is normally second in command to the CEO, and they are mainly responsible for finding new ways of executing the CEO’s plans. Again, the role of the COO will greatly differ depending on the size of the company.


While there are many other acronyms and terms used in the world of business, the ones listed above are by far the most common. Take note of some of these abbreviations. They are likely to come up far more in general correspondence than you would expect. You don’t want to get caught out by these terms, after all.

Jordan Belfort is a webmaster and a content writer. For over a decade, he has been contributing top notch articles to several top lifestyle blogs. He likes to write " How to" articles and loves helping people with his informative posts.

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