About 80 percent of restaurants fail within five years of being open. There are many reasons why this happens.

The owner may have chosen the wrong place to put the restaurant. The prices might be too high. Some restaurants suffer from marketing issues.

If you don’t take the time to polish and maintain your restaurant reputation management, you won’t get too far. Continue reading for startup advice that will help you build a successful restaurant.

Build Your Online Presence

If you don’t have a website and social media page, now is the time to invest in both. Customers will want to go to your website to check out your menu and prices before making a decision to visit.

Since most people use their phones to find a place to eat, you need to make sure your site is mobile-friendly. If the website refuses to load, potential customers will hit the back button and choose a different restaurant.

If you share posts on Instagram of happy families enjoying your food, that will entice other families to stop by.

Don’t forget to keep tabs on your Google business listing. Keep it updated with your latest menu items and hours of operation. Including pictures of the food in your listing couldn’t hurt either.

Keep Your Menu Updated

When you take an item off the menu, you need to change it on your website right away. If you don’t, you’re going to have disappointed customers.

Put yourself in their place. Let’s say you’ve been craving crab cakes for weeks. You find a restaurant with great reviews that makes them, only to realize when you sit down that they no longer have them. You’re now in the awkward position of having to choose something else to eat or leave.

Set up Google Alerts

When it comes to running a restaurant, Google is your best friend. Specifically, Google alerts.

When you set up Google alerts, you’ll receive an email whenever someone covers your restaurant in the media. If a person leaves a negative review about your business’s sanitation, you’ll know about it quickly and be able to respond by upping your restaurant cleaning game.

Practice Good Customer Service

The best way to practice good restaurant reputation management is to make customer service your top priority. After all, without your customers, you wouldn’t have a business.

Check on your guests on a frequent but reasonable basis. You don’t want to overwhelm them, but you don’t want to allow their drinks to get empty either.

If one of your guests has an issue, do what you can to resolve it as fast as possible. Doing so will turn a potential negative review into a good one.

Start Working on Your Restaurant Reputation Management

Restaurant reputation management can be tricky. It starts online. You need to have a killer website and an active social media page.

Practice good customer service, and keep your menu updated. Don’t forget Google is your best friend when managing a restaurant.

Are you looking for more ways to keep your business going strong? Check out our blog for all the latest posts.

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