Many people with disabilities spend far too much time at home, which can lead to having a narrow-minded outlook on life. However, for some handicapped people, just leaving home can be a challenge and staying away for any length of time is out of the question; there are, however, solutions that come in the form of short-stay disability accommodation, with qualified carers and a warm and friendly ambience.

Designed for your needs

If you haven’t left your home for a few months, you could take advantage of affordable disability short term accommodation and enjoy a different lifestyle for a while. Caring staff are ready and waiting to take you on a range of trips and with assisted living, you have all the help you need. It might be for a few days or a couple of weeks, whatever you plans, the specialists have the right supervised accommodation.

NDIS approved

If you are registered with the NDIS, you can apply for short-stay accommodation at a facility near you; make an enquiry on the NDIS website and take the first steps to change your living environment for a short time.

Care respite

If you have a full-time carer, this is a good opportunity for them to take a break; indeed, many people with disability make it an annual event, which gives patient and carer a change of environment. Prior to your arrival, a plan would be created for the duration of your stay; your favourite sports and hobbies, plus a planned walk along one of the pristine beaches. If you want to dine out or watch a show, this can be arranged to ensure that you enjoy every minute of your stay. Click here for tips on buying an outdoor LED light fitting.

Protect your mental health

Living in a contained environment for long periods is not good for your mental health and with NDIS approved short stay accommodation, you can add some variety to your life, while your primary carer also gets a much-needed rest. Being in the same surroundings day in, day out can lead to depression and that’s why you need to look at short-stay accommodation for the disabled.

Online solutions

Wherever you happen to live in Australia, you are never far from an organisation that offers short stay accommodation for disabled people; a Google search will take you to the website of an approved organisation that provides short stay accommodation and you can find out more about the services.

Accommodation designed around your needs

Regardless of the type of disability you have, there will be a serviced property that is ideal for you and qualified carers are always in attendance; sharing means you meet people and make new friends and spend time in the great outdoors. If you have yet to register with the NDIS. You can do this via their website.

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