Winter is here and with it comes the challenge of keeping your home warm. Whether you have an HVAC unit above ground or buried in the snow, dealing with extreme weather can cause many headaches for homeowners.

Dealing with extremely cold temperatures brings on a range of problems from frozen pipes to components malfunctioning inside your house’s heating system—especially if there’s heavy snowfall.

To help keep things running smoothly, there’s a number of important things to do, such as keeping your furnace clean (you can check this article to learn more). Today, we’re exploring what you need to consider when checking on your HVAC unit that’s buried under substantial amounts of snow!

1. Try to clear as much of the snow away from the unit as possible

It is important to ensure your HVAC unit is kept clear from the snow during winter months. If the unit is buried in snow, attempting to dig it out may be your best option.

The amount of clearance around the unit for adequate airflow can be greatly reduced due to high banks of snow, resulting in excess heat buildup in the unit and causing it to overheat. In order for your HVAC system to operate optimally, it needs enough space for proper ventilation – so clearing away as much as possible is key.

Always take extra precaution when shoveling near any electrical components or when doing any type of manual labor in extreme cold temperatures.

2. Make sure the area around your HVAC unit is clear of any obstructions so that air can flow freely.

It is essential to keep the area around your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) unit clear of any obstructions. If the airflow is blocked by leaves, mulch, tools or any other item, it could cause your system to overheat and ultimately break down.

The best way to avoid this kind of problem in the first place is to take a few moments every couple of weeks to walk around the HVAC unit and make sure its surroundings are free of clutter. It is also worth noting that some HVAC systems work more efficiently when there is two feet of clear space around them.

3. Consider using an outdoor cover for your HVAC unit to prevent snow build-up

An outdoor cover for your HVAC unit can be a great way to prevent snow build-up in the long run. Making sure this important piece of equipment is insulated helps keep it shielded from all kinds of weather conditions, and keeps the internal components safe from damage.

If you live in a climate where there is significant seasonal snowfall, it is especially important to ensure that your HVAC unit is adequately covered and protected during the harshest winter months.

Not only does using an outdoor cover for your HVAC unit save you time and money on potential repairs, but it also protects against any power outages that may occur due to an excessive buildup of snow or other extreme conditions. Investing in an outdoor cover now can save you from potentially costly repairs down the line!

4. If you can’t clear the snow yourself, call a professional to do it for you.

Despite our best efforts, sometimes the snowfall can become so intense that it is virtually impossible to clear it all away. In these cases, rather than risking injury or tiring ourselves out, the best option is to call a professional instead.

Professional services will be able to fully clear away any snowfall from your premises quickly and efficiently using the necessary tools and equipment. If you’re interested in finding one near you, there are many to choose from or even a few companies who may even come right to your door!

Make sure you consider how much space needs clearing and what kind of budget you have before calling on professional help.

5. Use an AC unit that’s resistant to snow build-up

An air conditioning unit should always be protected in the winter, especially if you live in a snowy climate. Snow build-up on your AC can cause serious harm to the system and its longevity. To help prevent this issue, consider investing in an air conditioner that is specifically designed to handle snow build-up.

These specialized models have strong belts or barriers to keep snow away from key components, prolonging their lifespan and protecting them from traditional AC damage caused by severe winter weather.

They also boast other features such as isolated fans for enhanced performance and weather seals for maximum insulation. Investing in a snow-resistant model is sure to give you peace of mind during the icy winter months.


It’s important to keep your HVAC unit free from snow and debris to ensure it continues working properly. If you’re unsure of how to safely remove the snow, contact your local HVAC specialist for assistance. servicing.

Keeping your HVAC unit in good working condition is essential for a comfortable home, so don’t hesitate to get professional help if you need it.

Jordan Belfort is a webmaster and a content writer. For over a decade, he has been contributing top notch articles to several top lifestyle blogs. He likes to write " How to" articles and loves helping people with his informative posts.

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