As a home rule municipality in Colorado, Centennial is a quiet city that’s been rated as one of the safest communities in the state. Recommendations like this make people want to settle there. But just like every other city, Centennial has its problems with accidents.
Although not on a large scale like some cities, Centennial still has its share of accidents. The same goes for Colorado as well, which reported 638 fatal crashes in 2021.

As a resident of Centennial, you need to be aware of your rights when you are involved in an accident. It is important to know what to do when you’re injured due to someone’s negligence, carelessness, or malicious thoughts. In times like these, it is essential to choose a personal injury lawyer in Centennial.

A lawyer will be by your side, providing assistance and advice until you receive the compensation you deserve. The lawyer will also help you gather evidence that will help you get a favorable outcome.

But what is the use of evidence, especially in a personal injury case?

Evidence can make or break your case. It is extremely beneficial in any case. This article discusses those benefits in detail.

Here’s what evidence can do.

  1. Determine liability
  2. Prove the seriousness of injuries
  3. Contribute to the compensation calculation

Determine Liability

This is one place where evidence really shines. Nothing beats the importance of evidence in determining liability. The following elements are discussed every time the topic of evidence comes up in finding liability

Photographic Evidence: This evidence refers to the photographs or videos taken/recorded at the accident location. The photographs were captured by the plaintiff or those around them. The purpose of photographic evidence is to retain elements that may not be fixed or lost over time. Photographic evidence generally includes pictures of injuries, pictures of damaged vehicles, pictures of the defendant or their car, and so on. Surveillance footage from businesses or homes nearby works as well.

Reports: Reports are either police or accident reports. The officers who responded to the accident will draft a report that contains the facts of the case. The report also contains pictures taken by the officer and possible causes of the accident.

Eyewitness Testimony: Eyewitness accounts are very valuable in a personal injury claim. The statement of an eyewitness who saw the proceedings will be useful when it comes to determining liability.

Prove the Seriousness of Injuries

The difficulty of your compensation claim goes up considerably if you cannot prove that you suffered injuries. You need to submit medical records to support your claim. Medical records generally include

  • Prescriptions
  • Proof of diagnosis
  • Hospital records
  • Therapy records
  • Receipts for purchasing medical supplies and equipment

A piece of evidence that is often considered proof of non-economic damages is a pain and suffering journal. It’d be wise to note down the difficulties you face after the accident. They can be anything, from difficulty in performing day-to-day tasks to a loss of enjoyment in activities that you used to enjoy.

Compensation Calculation

After a personal injury, you may suffer from physical injury, emotional trauma, and property damage. Each element has its own settlement amount based on how serious the damages are. The right amount of evidence proves that you have suffered losses and incurred expenses due to the accident. Your attorney will take this into consideration when preparing an estimate for the expected compensation.

Another element that’s added to the compensation calculation is lost wages. You will probably miss work during your recovery. In some severe cases, you may even be disabled, losing the ability to work. In such instances, your employment records and your doctor’s statements supporting your health condition are considered evidence to calculate lost wages.

Wrapping Up

Evidence plays multiple roles in a personal injury claim. In addition to finding the liable parties, evidence also helps in proving the seriousness of your injuries and in calculating the amount you’re eligible to receive as compensation.

This may have been easy to read, but in reality, the process is difficult and time-consuming. You need the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer to get fair compensation for your damages.

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