Technology plays a vital role in the world of business. Latest technology, easier and rapid will be a success. This is the reason why most of the business owners around the world prefer technology over money.

In the past few years, technology has made huge advancements. The introduction of smartphones has made it possible to perform most of the tasks from the phone itself. The introduction of high-speed internet has brought knowledge to your fingertips. WordPress Push Notifications have enhanced user experience. Moreover, the introduction of WooCommerce push notifications has taken the eCommerce business to the next level.

Well, if you are still wondering about the importance of technology in eCommerce, here are some points to help you out on the same.

1. Omni-channel presence: When it comes to interactions, almost 90% of customers expect smooth and rapid interactions across various channels and devices. Here comes the role of technology, where you can use available technology in an effective way.

You can provide your customers with what they want on an instant basis at the location they need. In simple words, you can offer your customers, what they need, where they need, and in which quantity they need.

For this, you can use,

  • Video chat. It allows you to have face-to-face interactions with your customers. You can also go for a Co-browsing. It is a visual engagement system that helps to bring agents and customers on the same page at the same time.
  • Screen sharing: It provides you the ability to interact with customers by sharing screens. Here you can help and guide your customers in filling forms, completing transactions, and so on.
  • Document interaction: It provides a platform for your agents to interact with your customers regarding easy access to documents. It also includes e-signature for enhanced security.

Thus it creates a sense of responsibility from a business side. It helps to build trust among customers. As a result, improved sales figures in the future.

2. Extensive personalization: With the advent of technology, a lot of transformations had taken place. These days it is easy to access personal information of your customers. You can track the shopping history of your customers. This will give you an idea about the interest of your customers.

When it comes to personalization, it is one of the biggest trends in eCommerce. According to a report by “” it has been found that almost 78% of the customers ignore offers that don’t contain personalized content.

You can use advanced technology like google analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), WordPress-WooCommerce push notifications, etc.

AI and machine learning analytics can help you to drive customer behavior patterns. It provides you with necessary information regarding likings and dislikings, interests, frequency of shopping, etc of your customers.

On the other hand, Push notifications can help you to send automated push notifications to your customers. These push notifications can be made rich using images, graphics, gifs, emojis, text, video, etc. This will generate an interest in users to view your notification. Moreover, Push notification can be sent on a timely basis. This further increases the chances that the push notification will be seen and timely action will be taken.

This will take customer experience to the next level. As a result, you will get a huge sales figure, along with free advocacy.

3. Smartphone revolution: According to “Statista” currently there are 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide. This means mobile can be used as the main tool to interact and deliver the audience with what they want from you. It is one of the effective and rapid ways to reach your audience in any part of the world.

The smartphone has made eCommerce so easy that m-commerce has emerged as a new concept.

Thus mobile technology is aiding a lot.

  • Ecommerce mobile apps: Mobile apps offer customers the ability to engage with a brand on a continuous basis. Thus anytime the customers need something, they can access your platform for purchase.
  • Location-based marketing: You can take the help of location-based marketing. Smartphones provide you an ability to use the customer’s geographical location. This will help you with more sales.
  • VR/AR guidance: You can easily integrate Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. This will provide your customers with an immersive mobile shopping experience.
  • Mobile payments: The advancement of technology has made it possible to pay using smartphones. Digital payments are safe and provide users an ability to pay from mobile devices for various services. It means anytime the customers feel a need to purchase, the same can be made on the spot using digital payment or mobile wallet.

4. Social media: There was a time when the door to door campaigns were in trend. Then comes email marketing. Nowadays social media advertising can provide you with effective results within a stipulated time.

According to “Statista” currently, there are more than 3.78 billion active social media users worldwide. This means you can use technology to reach your users throughout the world.

Moreover, social media advertising can help you to expand your business worldwide. What you need to do is to create an add and then to post it on top rated social media platforms.

According to “” currently, there are more than 2.603 billion monthly active users on Facebook, YouTube has more than 2 billion monthly active users. This figure is 1.08 billion in the case of Instagram. This means you can use these platforms to your advantage. It will not only help you to get recognition on the world level but also help you to earn free advocacy through reference and sharing. This will help you to increase your sales at a mass level.

Conclusion: In eCommerce, technology plays a crucial role in taking your business to the next level. More advanced technology means more sales. It also means more expansion of your business on a global level. Thus, technology is a need of today‘s eCommerce business. More rapidly you implement it, the more improved your results will be. It means a successful eCommerce business without putting hard efforts.

Author Bio:
Wonderpush provides you with WordPress-Woocommerce push notifications. These push notifications are capable enough to take your eCommerce business to the next level.

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Jordan Belfort is a webmaster and a content writer. For over a decade, he has been contributing top notch articles to several top lifestyle blogs. He likes to write " How to" articles and loves helping people with his informative posts.

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