Making the same lunch day after day can be a little boring for kids and parents as well. I’m going to help you in making interesting and different lunch box variations that will keep your little one healthy. I’m going to share what I like for my kid’s school lunches. Here are 5 yummy lunch ideas for school going kids.

  • Monday

1.Peanut Butter Banana Roll up

You just have to take a regular tortilla and spread some creamy peanut butter all over it. I just rolled the banana up in a tortilla and then cut the normal size slices. You can also spread Nutella instead of peanut butter.

2. Carrot Salad

I also made a carrot salad. But this is a spiral-shaped carrot. I just took my carrot and little spiralizer to make sort of like noodles. And then I put some ranch on there.

3. Pepperoni

You can add some pepperoni for lunch as well. I put pepperoni on little toothpick which looks a little bit tricky.

4. Red Grapes

Add some red grapes in one section of the lunch box as well.

5. Berry Lemonade & String Cheese

Add one juice pack of berry lemonade and string cheese also.

Your kids will for sure love the Monday Lunch.

  • Tuesday

1. Popcorn Chicken

You can get these popcorn chicken from K&N‘s. All you have to do is just stir deep fry the chicken and put it in a lunchbox. You can also add some ketchup on it.

2. Grapes

Serve 9 to 10 pieces of green large grapes.

3. Sugar snap peas

Add a few pieces of sugar snap peas in one section of the lunch box. It’s very healthy for your child.

4. Peeled snacks

Take 2-3 pieces of dried mango peeled snacks. It’s like natural fruit snack.

5. Ranch

For popcorn chicken, you can make some homemade ranch.

  • Wednesday

1. Muffins

Take two cups of flour and add 3 spoons of baking powder in it. Add half cup sugar and half teaspoon salt in it. Mix it well. Add 1 egg, half cup milk and tablespoon of oil in it. Beat all the ingredients well. Add the batter in cupcakes pan. Bake it for 20 minutes until it turns golden. You can also freeze it in the freezer for the future. You can serve these with ketchup as well because kids just love ketchup.

2. Broccoli

You can also add steamed broccoli in one section and can spread parmesan cheese on it. The kids will love this in that way.

3. Chewey Snowday

You can add one piece of gingerbread spice granola bar.

4. Fruit

You must add some fruit for lunch as well. It can be orange or banana.

  • Thursday

1. Sandwich

You can make a peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich. All you have to do is spread peanut butter on a sandwich and then add the jelly cubes on it.

Related: 20 Best Sandwiches in America (United States)

2. Fruits

Serve some blueberries and strawberries in lunch as well.

3. Yogurt

Add one pack of vanilla yogurt. You can buy this from the market.

  • Friday

1. Mashed potato

Serve one mashed potato with cream. You can also sprinkle black pepper and salt on it.

2. Green beans

Serve some green beans with mozzarella cheese.

3. Crackers

Add a few crackers with a square piece of cheddar cheese. You can also add whole wheat biscuits. It’s good.

4. Fruits

Add some pieces of grapes and blueberries.

You can use these ideas while preparing lunch for your kids. Everyday lunch has a lot of sections to eat. Your kids are going to love the lunch.

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Jordan Belfort is a webmaster and a content writer. For over a decade, he has been contributing top notch articles to several top lifestyle blogs. He likes to write " How to" articles and loves helping people with his informative posts.

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