As a nurse, your main responsibility will be to ensure your patients are well looked after and nursed back to good health. While it’s important to have the right knowledge and training behind you, there are certain traits that you must possess to help you flourish in your role. If you’re looking to go into the healthcare field, here are five personal attributes all nurses should have.

Communication Skills

While possessing solid communication skills will benefit you in any career, for nurses, it’s one of the most crucial aspects of the job. A great nurse needs to have excellent communication skills in order to perform their job correctly. Engaging with patients in the right manner and listening to their needs is what will set you apart from others. Nurses are expected to problem solve and communicate effectively with families too.

Emotional Stability

As you will be dealing with people from all walks of life and situations, the role of a nurse will be stressful. Being around patients who are suffering can take its toll, so being in touch with your emotions and knowing how to control yourself in stressful and heartbreaking situations is crucial. You may find that some shifts seem like nonstop doom and gloom, so retaining a positive attitude throughout can make a big difference and help your patients feel more at ease.


Having empathy for the pain and suffering of your patients is another key attribute that nurses should have. Being able to provide maximum comfort and feel compassion for those you’re taking care of will make sure that you’re doing the best job possible. You also need to be prepared for the sporadic spell of compassion fatigue, which can happen to any nurse, regardless of how long they have been working. Knowing the symptoms and dealing with them efficiently will help ensure you get back on track.


If you’re looking for a Monday to Friday, 9-5 role, nursing won’t be the career path for you. Being flexible is an attribute that nurses need to have, especially as you will be expected to work different shift patterns in the day or night. Some nurses are required to work lots of overtime, and weekends too.

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Attention to Detail

Any slight error can have devastating consequences for a patient, so as a nurse, you need to make sure you pay excellent attention to detail, which will minimize the risk of errors being made. Whether it be analyzing a patient’s chart correctly, or administering the correct medication, you need to always have your eye on the ball.

Becoming a Nurse Leader

If you feel you possess all the attributes listed, you may want to consider completing an Executive Nurse Leadership degree provided by Baylor University Online. Before you can qualify, it’s crucial that you have the right training, education, and qualifications behind you.

If you would like to become a nurse, you need to be aware that no two days will be the same. Each shift will come with new patients, challenges, and obstacles, so it’s important that you have the right attributes in place to help you perform at your best.

Jordan Belfort is a webmaster and a content writer. For over a decade, he has been contributing top notch articles to several top lifestyle blogs. He likes to write " How to" articles and loves helping people with his informative posts.

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