Our teeth are one of the most used parts of our bodies every day and our oral health is something that we have to think about constantly. If you are considering getting dental implants in order to improve your oral health or to fill in some gaps where you have lost teeth, read the list below to discover the important things you should know about dental implants.

They Are Extremely Secure

The mechanism of a dental implant is in three parts: the implant, the abutment, and the crown. The implant is in the shape of a screw and is normally made of titanium because it is a substance that is compatible with organic material, so it can fuse with the mandible quite easily. The abutment is the middle section of the implant mechanism that connects the inner implant to the visible crown on top. The crown is the part of the implant that looks like a real tooth and it is the only part of the structure that is visible post-operation.

The combination of these three parts creates an extremely secure attachment that may be even more secure than a real tooth. During an implant procedure, the dental professionals screw the implant directly into the jawbone so that it has no chance of getting loose. Once this is complete, they will let the implant fuse to the bone, which takes a few months. This ensures the security of the implant that it will not go anywhere.

They Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Many people around the world suffer from tooth loss or tooth decay due to a variety of reasons. This can cause people to have to cut back on eating the foods they love and many lose confidence in their smile. As seen at Bicon, dental implants demonstrate a notable improvement in the quality of life for individuals. They can give people back their confidence and help them to get back to eating the things they want. With a brand new smile, people feel like they can take on the world again.

They Require Minimal Upkeep

Because dental implants are made of such strong materials, they can last for many, many years. With normal daily flossing and brushing, you can treat dental implants just like you would your regular teeth. As long as you get biannual dental check-ups to make sure that everything is going well, your dental implants are here to stay for a long time.

They Are A Great Alternative to Dentures

If you are missing some teeth and are a user of dentures, dental implants may be a better option for you. Dentures can only go so far as to make you feel like you can use your mouth to the best of its abilities, but at the end of the day, you have to take them out and clean them. They are also not as secure as dental implants are. If you are a viable candidate for dental implants, you will see that they are a better long-term solution for teeth loss than dentures.

If you are considering turning to dental implants, remember that it is a personal choice that everyone has to make for themselves. Weigh your options and the risks involved and decide whether or not you are ready for this big dental change.

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