After the global pandemic, the need to modernize education has grown exponentially. Today, there are a huge number of platforms that help us learn. And the need for such resources is only growing.

Now the trend is learning something new and becoming an expert in some areas. Therefore, any platforms or resources that help to absorb the material better are very relevant.

Most educational institutions consider e-learning a necessity. Before, learning online was considered something unusual. Now the situation has completely changed. Therefore, the implementation of your eLearning software is more relevant and in demand than ever.

The overall global eLearning market is expected to hit $350 billion by 2025. Even statistics suggest that this area will only develop.

Let’s move on to the main trends that we should expect.

Popular trends


You only have to see the rise of the social network Tik Tok to understand that micro-content is at its peak, in this case, videos that are under 60 seconds long and perfectly adapted to mobile devices.

Short, fast, and effective training has become one of the favorites of users because the consumption of micro-content is more convenient, entertaining, and easy to understand. This method allows you to learn more in a short time.

Mobile learning

The amount of time people spend on mobile devices is increasing, which has led technology platform companies to focus their efforts on mobile-centric development and desktop adaptation.

The use of mobile devices has become essential in everyday life, and even more so in the new digital era of virtual education. Therefore, new projects and developments are adjusted to the parameters of our phones. The developers pay special attention to the educational application and its adaptability to our devices. All this is for the convenience of users.


What could be more interesting than learning by playing interesting games? This approach is liked not only by children but also by adults. E-learning includes gamification, allowing users to receive incentives, recognition, and, above all, motivation to learn.

Live classes and webinars

Online classes, which take place in a live format, have gained particular popularity. It can be both group and individual lessons, where the teacher tells the necessary material, asks you questions, and interacts with you.

Tutor or virtual assistant

To make e-learning effective, interactive content is vital. The use of robotic feedback is also widespread in e-learning.

To maximize student engagement, it is important to have live feedback. In addition, the use of automated and personal computerized learning systems has been shown to improve student achievement.

Wearable learning

Almost any information technology can be packaged into a wearable that can be both an attractive addition to your outfit and a multifunctional device. These technological accessories exist in the form of smartwatches, glasses, and even bracelets that offer more and more features.

Virtual reality in e-learning (VR)

The global augmented and virtual reality software market is the fastest-growing type of e-learning. Technology has allowed students to experience virtual reality by viewing 360-degree graphics with an impressive interface that helps transfer knowledge and skills. It is becoming the most popular form of e-learning. Incorporate virtual reality into teaching, allowing you to experience training courses for both the teacher and the student.

Now there are a huge number of learning opportunities. This area will continue to develop. If you are thinking about creating your platform, then you can be sure that this will be the right decision.

Jordan Belfort is a webmaster and a content writer. For over a decade, he has been contributing top notch articles to several top lifestyle blogs. He likes to write " How to" articles and loves helping people with his informative posts.

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