In recent years, push notifications have become an extremely popular marketing tool for e-commerce businesses to engage with their audience, inform them about important sales, and offers and increase conversions. Here are a few tips on how to use push notifications to communicate with your online shoppers more effectively.

Announce new products

Push notification is a great way to inform your customers about new products, sales, offers, and promotions in real time. Based on shoppers’ needs and preferences, you can use push notifications to direct users to the relevant products that they won’t skip among dozens of other products. Push messages make it easier to deliver highly personalized product offers that customers are looking for in the first place and are more likely to purchase.

Get shoppers back to abandoned carts

Shopping cart abandonment may cost you lots of money as an online retailer. According to 2020 statistics, around 88% of shopping carts are abandoned. Customers may abandon their cart for various reasons; they may postpone it or get distracted and forget to complete the order. Push notifications may help you re-engage these shoppers and remind them about the items in their shopping cart. Cart abandonment push campaigns are one of the most effective ways to encourage users to come back to the website and reconsider the purchase.

Announce flash sales and promotions

Sales and promotions are a great way to increase eCommerce conversions during a specified period. And push notifications may be used as one of the best communication tools to let customers know about flash sales that will bring users back and prompt them to make an immediate purchase. Sale expiration notifications create a sense of excitement and urgency among customers and drive instant sales. It is also recommended to make your messages for limited-time offers visually appealing by adding graphics, photos, and also a direct link to your site so users can use it right away.

Personalize your offers

Another effective way to use push notifications in eCommerce is to personalize them based on customers’ actions. Push campaigns allow you to get rich insights into your audience and offer personalized product recommendations that align with your target audiences’ needs and interests. Here you can easily create segments based on user behavior, shopping history, profile, and other demographic data to deliver offers that will have a greater impact on your customers. Trying out different promotional campaigns that are personalized for each user will help you understand which promotion gets you the most conversions.

Time your notifications

When it comes to push notifications, time is a significant factor. And if we focus on the statistics that over 50% of users find push notifications annoying because they are sent at the wrong time, it’s easy to see that right timing plays a key role in increasing sales. Here you can use segments to customize your messages based on user time zone and reach them at the right time. With push notifications, you can always optimize the timing so that your push messages are sent at the most relevant time for your users.

Jordan Belfort is a webmaster and a content writer. For over a decade, he has been contributing top notch articles to several top lifestyle blogs. He likes to write " How to" articles and loves helping people with his informative posts.

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